While the media was busy harping on Amy Winehouse, in regards to her less than polished pink ballet slippers, all I could think about is, where I could possibly get a pair of my own. In search of my beloved split sole pink satin Blochs, (along with a kind and non-judgmental shoemaker to re-sole these puppies) many signs have been pointe-ing to the beginning of a modern ballet revolution.
Sashaying over to the Parisian catwalks, we find ballerina inspired looks from both Chanel and Givenchy’s Spring 2008 Couture shows, featuring an unplanned pas de deux of Lagerfeld’s tweed jacket recession strategy and Tisci’s gothic ballerina muse. Models were clad in pale pastel tights, satin sandals, bejeweled ballet flats, tons of tulle, and topped with tiaras.
For those who didn’t make it to the couture shows, experience them through the eyes of Gershwin, at the New York City Ballet’s version of An American in Paris. The production features a cast of beatniks, fashion models, tourists, schoolgirls, and even a Tour de France bicyclist.
Want less talk and more twirl? Step up to the barre at the prestigious, National Ballet School of Canada. The school is offering adult classes après work hours to those pirouetting posers (like myself) who never had the chance to take up this dance form as a child. Registration starts soon - classes range from levels I-IV, and even at the beginner’s stages, are said to greatly improve posture… might pliés be the new Pilates?
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